"Discover the Unique Flavors of Dragon Well Tea: A Must-Try for Foreigners!"

Dragon Well tea, also known as Longjing tea, is a type of green tea that is grown in the West Lake region of Hangzhou, China. It is made from the tender leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant and is known for its delicate and unique flavor profile.

History of Dragon Well Tea

Legend has it that Dragon Well tea was first discovered during the Tang Dynasty (618-907 AD) by a Buddhist monk named Huiming. He was meditating in a temple near West Lake when he noticed that the water from a nearby well had a sweet taste. Upon investigation, he found that the well was located near a tea plantation, and the leaves from the tea bushes had fallen into the well. Huiming tried the tea and was amazed by its flavor and fragrance. He brought the tea back to the temple and shared it with his fellow monks, who also fell in love with the unique tea.

Unique Flavor Profile

Dragon Well tea is known for its delicate, sweet, and nutty flavor profile. It has a smooth mouthfeel and a distinct aroma that is often described as chestnut or orchid. The tea leaves are picked in early spring, when they are still young and tender, and are processed by hand to preserve their delicate flavor. The leaves are pan-fired to stop the oxidation process, which gives the tea its characteristic green color and unique flavor.

Brewing Dragon Well Tea

To brew Dragon Well tea, you will need to use water that is between 170-180°F (77-82°C). Steep the tea for 1-2 minutes, and then pour the tea into a cup. You can also use a gaiwan, a traditional Chinese tea bowl, to brew the tea.

Health Benefits

Dragon Well tea is not only delicious, but it also has numerous health benefits. It is packed with antioxidants, which can help to reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as cancer and heart disease. The tea also contains catechins, which have been shown to help with weight loss and improve cognitive function.


If you are a foreigner visiting China, Dragon Well tea is a must-try beverage. Its unique flavor profile and rich history make it a favorite among tea enthusiasts around the world. So next time you are in Hangzhou, be sure to visit a local tea shop and sample some Dragon Well tea for yourself!